Working with the Items List in the POS


Go to the ‘Items’ section of the menu.

‘Items’ section of the menu

You will see the item list with the current amount of stock under each item name. Items whose ‘Track stock’ option is switched off will be displayed with the dash symbol ‘-’.

the items list


To change the quantity in stock, tap on the desired item from the list.
If you choose an item whose stock is not tracked, switch on the ‘Track stock’ option in the Inventory section. Type the number in the ‘In stock’ field.

Track stock’ option in the Inventory section

You can also change or enter the number into the ‘Cost’ field.
Note: if the option ‘Track stock’ is on for the item and you have active Advanced inventory management subscription, the Cost field will not be active but calculated automatically as the Average cost.

For items with variants, you can specify the stock and cost for each variant. In the item list, the sum of the in-stock numbers of all variants will be displayed.

stock and cost for each variant

In the absence of an Internet connection (offline mode), the stock will not be displayed in the items list.

the items list in offline mode


See also:

How to Add Items and Categories in Loyverse POS