Customer Identification by Phone Number


If you specify a customer’s phone number when you sign up a customer in Loyverse POS, you can identify your customer by their number during a sale.

Note: For customer registration, it may be enough to fill only one of the three fields: 'Name', 'Phone', or 'Email'. But sometimes, the customer's name is not unique. If you create multiple clients with the same name, it will be difficult to find the correct one. Therefore, we recommend you fill in the fields 'Phone' or 'Email' as well.

fill in the field 'Phone'

During a sale, tap the ‘Add client’ icon in the upper right corner of the screen.

Customer search

In the ‘Search’ field, start typing the customer’s phone number that you wish to find. Select your customer from the list.

 Customer identification by number

Tap ‘Add to the ticket’ button to connect the customer to the ticket.

Customer identification by number

The phone number can be assigned not only to new customers but also to clients created earlier. To do this, find the card of the customer, tap ‘Edit profile’, and edit it by specifying the phone number.

customer card


See also:

How to Sign Up a Customer in Loyverse POS