PIN code is used for access to the Loyverse POS. The panel for entering PIN appears during each entry to the POS.
The PIN code is a 4-digit number unique for each Loyverse POS user - owner and employee and has an identification purpose.
The PIN access is set when adding a new employee.
How to find and change the PIN
After logging in to Back Office, go to the ‘Employee list’ in the ‘Employees’ section.
Select the employee that you want to manage the PIN.
In the POS PIN field, you can see the current employee’s PIN. You can change it if needed.
Note: Any action with a PIN code can be done only by the owner or employees who have access to Back Office to the corresponding section.
Don’t forget to save your changes.
How to remove the PIN
It is possible to enter POS without a PIN code only when there are no other users besides the owner. If you have at least one employee or the "Timeclock feature" enabled, the PIN code is obligatory for each user.
In the Edit Employee form of the owner, tap the ‘Disable PIN Code’ button.
Confirm the disabling in the dialog window.
At any time, you can restore the PIN code access for the owner through the ‘Add PIN code’ button.
Don’t forget to save your settings.
Suggestions: Change your PINs regularly to increase the security of your data.
See also: