Offline Use of Loyverse POS

The Loyverse POS app works offline. Your device can continue to make sales and work with shifts even when it's not connected to the Internet. However, not all functions are supported offline; such as refunds, new customer registration, adding items, and a few other restrictions.

When you make sales in offline mode, all of your receipts are stored locally in the device memory. If you go to the Receipt section you will see the receipts list. The receipts that were made in offline mode are marked as “Unsynced.”

unsynced receipts

Note: You cannot sign out while your device is disconnected from the Internet and there are unsynced receipts.

You will not see all the offline sales in the Back Office. After the device restores the connection to the Internet, receipts will be automatically synced with Loyverse Back Office.

You can also tap the sync button in the three dots menu to sync data with the Back Office manually. If you do this in offline mode, you will get ‘No internet connection’ message.

Sync button


Refund button is not active in the offline mode, so you cannot perform refunds.

inactive Refund button

You cannot register new customers or edit the existing customers, but you can add to the ticket recently registered customers.

The open tickets work in offline mode but without synchronization with other devices.
Email receipts are sent to customers only after the connection to the Internet is restored.

Other restrictions of the offline work:
If you have connected integrated card processing terminals they will not work offline.
Items stock will not be displayed, as well as negative stock alerts; even if this option is enabled in the Back Office.


See also:

Receipts List in the POS

How to Sign out from Loyverse POS